Ada beberapa perkara yang semestinya dilakukan oleh yang mendengar adzan. Pertama: Ia mengucapkan semisal yang diucapkan muadzin (menjawab adzan), namun tidak dengan suara keras seperti suaranya muadzin, karena muadzin menyeru/memberitahu orang lain sedangkan dia hanya menjawab muadzin.
Sesungguhnya Allah Azza wa Jalla menghendaki jilbab itu sebagai penutup tubuhmu dari pandangan matamata serigala, penjaga rasa malu, dan memelihara kehormatanmu. Karena itu, jangan anda campakkan rasa malu itu dengan menjauhi perintah-Nya, sebaliknya pegang teguhlah perintah itu, karena perasaan malu selalu membawa kepada kebaikan.
Rasa malu kepada Allah adalah di antara bentuk penghambaan dan rasa takut kepada Allah. Rasa malu ini merupakan buah dari mengenal betul Allah, keagungan Allah. Serta menyadari bahwa Allah itu dekat dengan hamba-hambaNya, mengawasi perilaku mereka dan sangat faham dengan adanya mata-mata yang khianat serta isi hati nurani.
Ketika Allah Marah
Apa sesungguhnya yang menyebabkan bencana kemanusiaan itu datang tak henti..?
Jika ditelaah dengan seksama, bencana yang terjadi bukan karena fenomena alam semata, tetapi juga dikarenakan ulah sebagian manusia itu sendiri yang menyebabkan turunnya murka Allah.
Dan, kemurkaan Allah pasti datang jika umat manusia melakukan perbuatan-perbuatan yang melanggar ajaran dan ketentuan-Nya.
“Maka datanglah sesudah mereka, pengganti (yang jelek) yang menyia-nyiakan shalat dan memperturutkan hawa nafsunya, maka mereka kelak akan menemui ghayya.” (QS. Maryam: 59)
guacamole-server contains all the native, server-side components required by Guacamole to connect to remote desktops. It provides a common C library, libguac, which all other native components depend on, as well as separate libraries for each supported protocol, and guacd, the heart of Guacamole.
guacd is the proxy daemon that runs on your Guacamole server, accepts users' connections that are tunneled through the Guacamole web application, and then connects to remote desktops on their behalf. Building guacd creates an executable called guacdwhich can be run manually or, if you wish, automatically when your computer starts up.
To build guacamole-server, you will need a C compiler (such as gcc) and the libraries that guacamole-server depends on. Some dependencies are absolutely required, while others are optional. The presence of optional dependencies enables additional features.
Many Linux distributions separate library packages into binary and "development" packages; you will need to install the development packages. These will usually end in a "-dev" or "-devel" suffix.
Required dependencies
In order to build guacamole-server, you will need Cairo, libpng, and the OSSP UUID library. These libraries are strictly required in all cases - Guacamole cannot be built without them.
OSSP UUID is used by libguac to assign unique IDs to each Guacamole connection. These unique IDs are the basis for connection sharing support.
Debian / Ubuntu package
Fedora / CentOS / RHEL package
Optional dependencies
The optional dependencies of Guacamole dictate which protocol support will be built, and whether additional features of those protocols will be enabled.
Guacamole currently supports VNC, RDP, SSH, and telnet. Each protocol corresponds to a separate library that will be built withguacamole-server if you have its corresponding optional dependencies.
VNC support depends on the libvncclient library, which is part of libVNCServer, RDP support depends on a recent version ofFreeRDP - 1.0 or higher, SSH support depends on libssh2, and telnet depends on libtelnet. Pango, a font rendering and text layout library, is required for both SSH and telnet support.
Pango is a text layout library which Guacamole's SSH and telnet support uses to render text. If you do not wish to build SSH or telnet support, this library is not needed.
PulseAudio provides libpulse, which is used by Guacamole's VNC support to provide experimental audio support. If you are not going to be using the experimental audio support for VNC, you do not need this library.
OpenSSL provides support for SSL and TLS - two common encryption schemes that make up the majority of encrypted web traffic.
If you have libssl installed, guacd will be built with SSL support, allowing communication between the web application and guacd to be encrypted. This library is also required for SSH support for the sake of manipulating public/private keys.
Without SSL support, there will be no option to encrypt communication to guacd, and support for SSH cannot be built.
libvorbis provides support for Ogg Vorbis - a free and open standard for sound compression. If installed, libguac will be built with support for Ogg Vorbis, and protocols supporting audio will use Ogg Vorbis compression when possible.
Otherwise, sound will only be encoded as WAV (uncompressed), and will only be available if your browser also supports WAV.